Our Faq Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have to pay a lot of Inheritance Tax in Spain?

The inheritance tax you will pay for an inheritance in Spain depends upon three factors:

  • Where the assets are located in Spain.
  • The value of the assets in Spain.
  • The relationship between the beneficiary and the person who has passed away.

Are the heirs in Spain responsible to pay the debts of the deceased?

Yes, unless the inheritance is accepted under benefit of inventory, in which case the debts are paid and the remainder, if any, will be inherited.

Is there a deadline to pay the Inheritance Tax in Spain?

Yes. Inheritance Tax must be settled within six months from the date of death.

What is a lifetime usufruct in Spain?

Is the right that someone has to use and enjoy during lifetime an asset whose ownership is not held by the person in question.

Could the surviving spouse waive their inheritance rights in favor of their children?

Yes, but she will have to agree to this disposition in a public title deed before a Notary. 

Executors for wills in Spain?

There is no requirement to appoint an executor to administer a Spanish Will, although you can appoint one if you desire so. Execution of the will is normally carried out by a notary. It is also possible to appoint a Spanish solicitor to execute the Will.

Can a bank freeze accounts of a deceased person?

Money in bank accounts is an asset of the estate. The bank is legally bound to block the account until it has been confirmed who are the legal heirs.

What happens to an unclaimed inheritance in Spain?

If an inheritance is unclaimed, there are no heirs or the inheritance is rejected, the estate could be transferred to the Spanish state. Inheritances are often rejected in Spain because the tax owed outweighs the benefits.

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